Below he comments on Gil Kerlikowske's recent call for the end of the "war on drugs".
It wouldn't be surprising if Kerlikowske's speech was actually a subtle testing of the political landscape surrounding the marijuana question, as we find ourselves, quite suddenly, at a pivotal moment in the push for pot legalization. The horrific violence of Mexican cartels, which make perhaps as much as 75 percent of their money from marijuana (in Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard's estimation), has started ebbing across our Southwestern borders.
My favorite part of the article is below.
So far, the president — who supported decriminalization when running for Senate in 2004, but not when running for president in 2008 — hasn't exactly been a profile in courage. (His answer, at that town hall, to the question of taxing marijuana was wincingly flippant.) But that may not matter all that much. "Obama is against gay marriage, at least nominally, yet that issue is moving forward, too," statistician Nate Silver, founder of, tells the Phoenix. "Once one state does something, then other states start to think about it."
While I was disappointed with California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's response about marijuana in his "Digg Dialogue".(full video at end of post) I believe it was a good step in rehabbing his image. I think online event's like this are really the politics of the future. The information age is just beginning, there is no telling where it will take us. The radio and fireside chats helped FDR become President, while some credit JFK's victory to his good looks and demeanor on television.
The internet helped Current President Obama raise crucial funds for his campaign, and helped get him elected. Back in July of 2007 Time magazine was discussing Obama's unique fundraising ability. So far he has displayed grand visions of the internet to help America recover from this recession, but it may have a much bigger side effect. It could change the way countries our governed all across the world. Obama has held online town halls answering questions to mixed reviews, but the key might be him setting a precedent for our politicians of the future.
His administration's website already offers a long list of tools and services; with the goals of transparency, and increased communication between the people and their government. They include: Your Weekly Address, Presidential Blog, America's Recovery, Whitehouse Youtube Channel, and the list appears to be growing as we speak.