Thursday, July 9, 2009

Great Propaganda All Around Part 2

That FOX news video used some quotes from a Mother Jones magazine article. Below is what I believe to be the most significant quote in that same article. It is regarding Tom Ammiano's bill that would tax and regulate marijuana like alcohol in the state of California.

Still, the legislation hasn't found a single cosponsor, and isn't scheduled for so much as a hearing.

Which is too bad. Going into this assignment, I didn't care much personally about cannabis legalization. I just had a vague sense that if other people wanted to do it, why not let them? But the evidence suggests pretty clearly that we ought to significantly soften our laws on marijuana. Too many lives have been ruined and too much money spent for a social benefit that, if not zero, certainly isn't very high.

This Mother Jones magazine article mentions how much money our government has wasted on advertising. However, it's main focus is on the drug czar.

But then, the drug war has never been about facts—about, dare we say, soberly weighing which policies might alleviate suffering, save taxpayers money, rob the cartels of revenue. Instead, we've been stuck in a cycle of prohibition, failure, and counterfactual claims of success. (To wit: Since 1998, the ONDCP has spent $1.4 billion on youth anti-pot ads. It also spent $43 million to study their effectiveness. When the study found that kids who've seen the ads are more likely to smoke pot, the ONDCP buried the evidence, choosing to spend hundreds of millions more on the counterproductive ads.)

Here is a closer look at Harborside Health Center, located in the San Francisco Bay area.

Judge Jim Gray discusses reasons why he believes America needs to decriminalize marijuana and overhaul our drug policies.

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