Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Anderson Cooper and Drug Sense

I read earlier on a forum that Anderson Cooper was going to be doing a special on marijuana next week. Getting excited, I started scouring CNN. Not only is CNN running a special about marijuana, it is lasting all week on Anderson Cooper 360. The only clue to what is going to make the air, is an add they have on the sidebar that I copied below. I look forward to watching each episode and plan to post my thoughts throughout next week.
NEXT WEEK: ‘America’s High’

Can the U.S. afford to make pot legal? Can we afford not to? We’re keeping them honest on both sides of the argument. All next week, 10 ET

JOIN: LIVE BLOG Weeknights 10p ET

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I am adding the "Drug War Clock" gadget to my blog. I think it is important for people to see this information and support the great site that created it. I just discovered DrugSense and am busy exploring their community.

1 comment:

  1. All I can say is that A LOT of people from NORML and MPP as well as others will be their to help the cause. To know more you would have to tune in to AC360 starting Monday at 10est
